ANDUR BRIDGE : Has fallen back to the hands of Chaos .The Forces of the Imperium were told to hold the bridge at all cost,and wait intill a releaf force from KASR SHYLO to help
in the defence of the bridge,but were to late.with the help of the OFFCIO ASSASSINORUM
The Imperial force were able to dely Most of the Chaos heavy armour from reaching the bridge.
The Dark Angel were able to hold on to there section,but had to withdraw,due to the fall of all other sectors.
NEW RULES for map movment ( Stategy Rating)
Sam rolles 3D6
Scooter rolls 2D6
tell me what all your dice add up to,and the highest roll gets to pick there map move 1st
we can start this on the next map movement turn. PS I know that you guys will tell the truth what you role.
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